Created by the Institruto Smithsmiano, this one dedicated to the cultures indigenous to west. It(he,she) shelters more than 800.0000 objects and 125000 images of native of the north and south of américa.
An example is the sample dedicated to the peoples(villages) of the Pacífico, where 11 communities describe 400 ceremonies and daily objects.
The site(place) represents an interactive map with images decanoas and ceremonial utensils, besides minisites(miniplaces) with galleries, typical dances and rites of puberty.
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An example is the sample dedicated to the peoples(villages) of the Pacífico, where 11 communities describe 400 ceremonies and daily objects.
The site(place) represents an interactive map with images decanoas and ceremonial utensils, besides minisites(miniplaces) with galleries, typical dances and rites of puberty.

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